Monday, October 19, 2009

Crawling Footage

Shaney has been crawling since about 51/2 months. We finally got some footage for ya! He loves the ball in this video. As soon as he catches it, it gets away from him and he has to crawl to get it. It keeps him entertained!

Monday, September 21, 2009


Okay, I know, I should have turned on the light! He was looking right at the camera in the 2nd video. I tried to figure out how I could edit the video to be brighter, but I couldn't figure it out. This is the first day that he said "da da." And believe me, he said it from sun up to sun down!!

Chip off the ol' block...

This is pretty much a daily occurrence. We have so much talking footage that it's hard to pick which to download to the blog. The kid can't even stop long enough to eat. He doesn't talk too much when other people are around...but when it's just me and Wiley...well let's just say that Wiley can't even get a word in!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bath time

He did this for about 10 minutes. He'd probably still be doing it if I hadn't taken him out!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Swimming Shane

Ready to go swimming!
He loved it!!!

He even loved taking a shower with daddy afterwards!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

We finally got some good footage!  Shane was SOOO excited when Wiley got home from work yesterday.  I have never seen him talk so much!!  He was making non-stop gleeful cooing sounds as soon as he saw him.  Wiley told me to get the camera and I said that he would stop as soon as we got it.  So he tried to record it and of course, Shane stopped cooing.  But Wiley kept trying and he started up again.   The angle is not very good of his face, but if he sees the camera he becomes interested in it and just stares at it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Trying to get him to be cute.  Somehow he never does it the same for the camera.


Shane LOVES being the center of attention!

Daddy Reads to Me

Okay, I am SO disappointed in having to post this video.  Right before this I took a way better one, or so I thought!  I hadn't figured out the movie setting on my new camera and thought I was recording when I wasn't.  This video is of Wiley reading to Shane.  Right before Shane paid attention to an ENTIRE book that Wiley read to him.  In this video I think his attention span is maxed out.  But I thought you might enjoy it anyway.

Catching Up Cont'd...

"Is it nap time yet?"
"I love to look at pictures of myself!"
"I'm totally syked about my mobile!"

Catching Up

Ahh!  These pictures aren't in order!  This picture was after he was crying.  He spotted the camera and his mood changed.
"This is the shirt mommy puts on me when I am crabby."
"Don't change the channel, I was watching that."  Quote taken directly from dad.
An all time favorite.
"You can put me in this car seat, but I don't have to like it."

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Rolly Polly

On Sunday, Shane turned 2 months old.
On Monday, Shane rolled over for the first time!!
What will happen on Tuesday??

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Hangin' Out

Taking a break for nursing in the car.  We were out and about all day long!

Hanging out with Great Grandma while we were packing up her apartment.  She is moving to an assisted living home.

This is currently my favorite outfit!

Do they look related or what?!

Awww.....this is the kind of smile that makes my day.

If he's already giving the "look" just think of what kind of teenager he's gonna be.  =)

I can't go for more than a few minutes without my pouty cry.

Is it time to eat?

All ready to go to church!

Feeding Time

Feed me please!

Okay, I'm not kidding around here...


One satisfied customer....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Waking Up

The 2 mornings before I took this video, Shane would look right at me and give me big smiles when I came to get him up in the morning.  I thought it would be cool to get it on video, but of course he didn't do it then!  I think he was mad at me because he was crying for a while before I finally got out of bed.  I thought I'd you'd like to see it anyways.

Some Pics

Mommy and baby are exhausted after being up all night with reflux.
First experience with the bottle.  He says, "I'm not so sure about this!"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Not to steal Bodethemotor blog's thunder, but I thought you all might like to see a couple clips of Heidi's cute giggle!  She is such a happy baby!  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Shane holds his head up....

He was doing this way better right before we took the video.  But we changed his angle and he became way too interested in the light.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Family Shower Part I

These are just a few pictures we took from our family shower; given by Wiley's Aunt Donna and my mother-in-law, Diane.  Diane gave us a bunch of pictures that I will post once I get the motivation to scan them!  I also got some pictures from my school shower today, but once again I have to scan them before I can post.

This is Wiley's cousin, Dalton, and his daughter, Addison.

Grandma Raper (Diane's mom), Diane and Donna.

This is Treva, who is married to Wiley's Uncle David (Diane's brother).

This is Pam.  She is married to Wiley's cousin, Derek.

Nanny Diane.  =)