Monday, June 28, 2010

LOT'S of pictures!!!

5/19/10- This is a large rotation we were watching in Grandma Patsy's back yard right after we got out of the storm cellar.

6/8/10- The Zoo!

Shane was obsessed with this dragon! HUG!

Watching the tortoises.

We shared our lunch with the peacocks, along with some geese, squirrels, and birds. The peacocks came right up to us.
Waiting for the train to stop for us!
Choo Choo!
6/9/10- We collected this swarm of bees and gave it to a friend. By the way, our bee's are doing really well this year. We will have lot's of honey at harvest time!
6/15/10- Hanging out at Grandma Patsy's. Joe Cool.

6/18/10- Enjoying Martha's black berry jam.
6/22/10- Loving the splash pad in Chickasha! Went with Nannie Diane. This is the only picture I got before my battery died. Doesn't he look so grown up?!
We have been looking for dining room chairs for over a year now. I found 4 chairs for $20, at a garage sale on Sat! They match perfectly. Now Shane won't be able to climb on the folding chairs and collapse them!
It looks like a real dining area now!

1 comment:

nikki101076 said...

There ya go again, coming to Chickasha w/out coming to see me! We would have come to the splash pad w/ya if you would have called. Was it crowded. That's what I don't like about splash pads. Since they are free and most towns only have one then everyone in town goes.

Looks like you all had fun going to the zoo. I heard that it is cool now that they updated again. I haven't been in I think 2yrs or so. Did you guys see the white peacock. I think I love it better then the blue male. Just be glad you didn't have lunch w/the geese. They always try to steal your food and hiss at ya.

Well TTYL! Have a great week! See ya at church!