Monday, February 22, 2010


I thought I'd be totally original and add a word wall to our profile. =) He also say, "badabadaba" a lot, but that's not a word. The newest thing lately is that Shane will yell out something like "DAD," or "BAA" and then I will yell it back. We will say it back and forth over and over again and sometimes together. It is lots of fun!
I've been trying to teach Shane some sign language. We've been working on "more" for the past couple weeks without any success. I think he knows what it means, but he just smiles at me when I do the sign. Well, today, I was feeding him and saying and signing "more" a bunch of times. All of the sudden he just starts saying, "more" over and over again. I guess he doesn't need to sign!

Shane has to take lots of showers now that he has figured out how to lift the toilet lid and play in the water.


lasteenwyk said...

what a great idea! where did you ever come up with it??? you are a genius! ;)

seriously, that is a lot of words! i thought heidi had a lot for her age, at least compared with boden, but that is probably more than heidi had then. you not only got yourself a physical kid, but an intellectual one as well! but can he say 'butt'???? hmmmmm? ;)

Amanda said...

What a talker! Faith says a few things, but not near as many as that. The word wall is a great idea! And his pictures are adorable!
Oh, and post more. I like you.

Unknown said...

I hope he doesn't slam his hands in the toilet lid!! Must be pretty strong to lift it up.

The sleeping picture looks just like his mommy did at that age. All the other pictures look like daddy.