Friday, January 8, 2010

9 Months!!

Shane is 9 months old!! Today he had his 9 month Dr's appointment. Here are the current stats:
Weight 21 lbs. 1 oz. (59%)
Length 30 in. (93%)
Head Cir. 18 1/4 in. (79%)


lasteenwyk said...

i cannot believe how absolutely adorable he is!!!!!

lasteenwyk said...

just got heidi's stats at 12 months....

19 pds 1.5 oz for wieght (15%)
29.5 inches for length (50%)

hmmmmmmm ;-)

Unknown said...

Let's just remind everyone that Amma predicted when Shane was born that he would soon pass Heidi up. Glad it's not the other way around with a hulking girl and tiny boy!