Tuesday, March 17, 2009

If you were expecting some nice face shots, prepare to be disappointed.  The above picture is a shot of Shane's scrotum (the little sack on the left side).  This is the ONLY picture the technician gave us!  He forgot to print the pictures before he erased them!  Anyways, the baby currently weighs an estimated average of 6 lbs. 15 oz.  That is give or take 1 lb. 1 oz.  So it is possible that he could weigh 8 lbs....or 6, but my insides are telling me the first is much more likely than the latter!  We won't know anything more until the Dr. calls..if she does.  I'm not holding my breath.  My next appointment is Wednesday (not tomorrow, but the following).  So I probably won't even talk to the Dr. until then.  The technician said that everything looked normal.  We got to see his heart beat, kidneys, stomach and bladder.  We saw his face but it wasn't very clear.  He had his hands up by his mouth again.  I guess he's going to be a thumb sucker like his daddy.  His head is face down right by the cervix.  He's pretty scrunched in there.  The tech said that there's not much room left for him to grow.  And that's pretty much all I know!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Big Boy

Okay, Lea Anne.  We too will jump on the bandwagon.  Most of you viewing this have already seen the November ultrasound pictures, but what blog would be complete without them?!  Stay tuned for tomorrow's latest pictures.  Apparently, baby Shane is growing out of control.  So tomorrow we find out just how big he really is, and if he is too big to be born naturally.  

Our Little Alien

1.1. Resting his head on his hands.  Awww....
2. Sucking his thumb.  Double awww...
3. Alien eyes!
4. Daddy's a happy man.
5. He is facing downward.  You can see his spinal chord.