Friday, September 3, 2010

Shane Loves Tractors! Part I

This is Shane at the fair in Chickasha. As you will see, he get's a bit excited around tractors, trucks, and bikes. Here are some words/phrases to listen for; truck, drive truck, I wanna drive, tractor, yellow, bike, drive, big truck.
(Mom, if you click on the arrows in the bottom right corner of the video, it will make it full screen).

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Shutterfly Pictures

Okay, I am about to pull my hair out. So far Wiley has been the one to download pictures to our Shutterfly site. Well, since I'm not on facebook anymore, I thought I'd take a stab at downloading some pics to Shutterfly. The album that I downloaded took over 2 days to download and then it just stopped downloading. So there are still a bunch of pictures that are not on there. Hang on a second...........................
Sorry I had to go outside and scream!

Anyways, here is the link to the site. Take a look at our August pictures. They are all from the Grady County Fair in Chickasha.
Hang on one more second..................
That scream was for the 3 times I tried to download a one minute video of Shane onto Blogger. For some unknown reason, after about 20 minutes of trying to load the video, a sign would come onto the screen saying, "Unable to load video." I guess I'll have to try You Tube. Be patient because I don't have the patience to do that right now!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I cleaned (really cleaned) Shane's room this week. For some time we have been throwing extra stuff that we don't have a place for on Shane's top bunk. I always mean to get to it, but other things come first. His room was also full of boxes. I have slowly been going through his closet and cleaning out clothes and items that he has outgrown. So this week I made his room a priority. So now Shane loves spending time in his room! He has been reading lots of books in his bed and even in his crib!

This is not what you think! This is NOT a date! What's a date anyway? Not so sure myself anymore! Anyways, we were up near Lake Hefner last night and decided to stop and take a stroll. It was the first night in a long time that it was not too hot to hang out outside. Shane was there also, but it was too much effort to get a self-shot picture of all 3 of us! Shane really enjoyed being outside. He has been cooped up for much too long. He laughed, waved at people and puppies, and talked and talked and talked! It was also really nice to spend some time with Wiley. He has been working so much that we rarely get to see him!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

15 Months Old!

Shane had his 15 month check-up on Thursday. Here are his stats:
Weight: 24.8 lbs. (55%)
Length: 33 1/4 in. (95%)
Head Circ: 19 (80%)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


He never hesitates to go down the slide by himself!Gettin snuggled up and ready to watch the Yukon fireworks!
It must've been a good one...everyone looks amazed!
"Dad! Stop taking pictures of me! That flash is wicked!"

Monday, June 28, 2010

LOT'S of pictures!!!

5/19/10- This is a large rotation we were watching in Grandma Patsy's back yard right after we got out of the storm cellar.

6/8/10- The Zoo!

Shane was obsessed with this dragon! HUG!

Watching the tortoises.

We shared our lunch with the peacocks, along with some geese, squirrels, and birds. The peacocks came right up to us.
Waiting for the train to stop for us!
Choo Choo!
6/9/10- We collected this swarm of bees and gave it to a friend. By the way, our bee's are doing really well this year. We will have lot's of honey at harvest time!
6/15/10- Hanging out at Grandma Patsy's. Joe Cool.

6/18/10- Enjoying Martha's black berry jam.
6/22/10- Loving the splash pad in Chickasha! Went with Nannie Diane. This is the only picture I got before my battery died. Doesn't he look so grown up?!
We have been looking for dining room chairs for over a year now. I found 4 chairs for $20, at a garage sale on Sat! They match perfectly. Now Shane won't be able to climb on the folding chairs and collapse them!
It looks like a real dining area now!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pictures from May '10

Inspecting every "truck."

Nannie's miniature donkey's.

Riding the truck!

Somebody's in trouble!

Shane thinks his cousin Levi is the coolest!