Thursday, July 9, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

We finally got some good footage!  Shane was SOOO excited when Wiley got home from work yesterday.  I have never seen him talk so much!!  He was making non-stop gleeful cooing sounds as soon as he saw him.  Wiley told me to get the camera and I said that he would stop as soon as we got it.  So he tried to record it and of course, Shane stopped cooing.  But Wiley kept trying and he started up again.   The angle is not very good of his face, but if he sees the camera he becomes interested in it and just stares at it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Trying to get him to be cute.  Somehow he never does it the same for the camera.


Shane LOVES being the center of attention!

Daddy Reads to Me

Okay, I am SO disappointed in having to post this video.  Right before this I took a way better one, or so I thought!  I hadn't figured out the movie setting on my new camera and thought I was recording when I wasn't.  This video is of Wiley reading to Shane.  Right before Shane paid attention to an ENTIRE book that Wiley read to him.  In this video I think his attention span is maxed out.  But I thought you might enjoy it anyway.

Catching Up Cont'd...

"Is it nap time yet?"
"I love to look at pictures of myself!"
"I'm totally syked about my mobile!"

Catching Up

Ahh!  These pictures aren't in order!  This picture was after he was crying.  He spotted the camera and his mood changed.
"This is the shirt mommy puts on me when I am crabby."
"Don't change the channel, I was watching that."  Quote taken directly from dad.
An all time favorite.
"You can put me in this car seat, but I don't have to like it."