Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Waking Up

The 2 mornings before I took this video, Shane would look right at me and give me big smiles when I came to get him up in the morning.  I thought it would be cool to get it on video, but of course he didn't do it then!  I think he was mad at me because he was crying for a while before I finally got out of bed.  I thought I'd you'd like to see it anyways.

Some Pics

Mommy and baby are exhausted after being up all night with reflux.
First experience with the bottle.  He says, "I'm not so sure about this!"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Not to steal Bodethemotor blog's thunder, but I thought you all might like to see a couple clips of Heidi's cute giggle!  She is such a happy baby!  

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Shane holds his head up....

He was doing this way better right before we took the video.  But we changed his angle and he became way too interested in the light.